Times Online, religious hate
Asian people are having grafti scrawled on their homes, there cars vandalised, purely from religious hatred. Islamaphobia surely? Well no these are people that where Muslim but decided to convert to Christianity. Nothing is being done to help them despite the very real danger to their lives, Muslims that loose their faith face execution according to traditional teachings, because of the fear of being accused of Islamaphobia.
"For police, religious authorities and politicians, it is an issue so sensitive that they are accused by victims of refusing to respond to appeals for help. It is a problem that, with the crisis of identity in Islam since September 11, seems to be getting worse as Muslims feel more threatened.
Muslims who lose their faith face execution or imprisonment, in line with traditional Muslim teaching, in many Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt and Yemen. In the Netherlands, the former Muslim MP Ayan Hirsi Ali had to go into hiding after renouncing her faith on television."
One convert from Islams said of her experience:
"“We had bricks though our windows, I was spat at in the street because they thought I was dishonouring Islam. We had to call the police so many times. I had to go to court to get an injunction against my husband because he was inciting others to attack me.”
She fled to another part of Britain, but the attacks soon started again as locals found out about her. “I wasn’t going to leave again,” she said, adding that it was the double standards of her attackers that made her most angry. “They are such hypocrites — they want us to be tolerant of everything they want, but they are intolerant of everything about us.”"
and later in the article this quote stands out:
"The most high-profile British apostate is Ibn Warraq, a Pakistani-born intellectual and former teacher from London, who lost his faith after the Salman Rushdie affair and set out his reasons in the book Why I am not a Muslim.
He recently edited the book Leaving Islam, but finds it hard to explain the hostility. “It’s very strange. Even the most liberal Muslim can become incredibly fierce if you criticise Islam, or, horror of horrors, leave it.” "
This is a religion that publicly executes people, amputates limbs, promotes the multilation children so they can never fully enjoy sex. It is completely intolerant, and yet demands that we are extremely tolerant of it. Why should we? Our culture is better than Islamofasism, and it is the Muslims themselves that have made that judgement by emergrating here away from the feudal Islamofasistic countries. They think that there is something better about the way that this country is run that the way that their homelands are. That something is a liberal market economy that is capable of generating high paying jobs, but it would not be possible without the basic social liberalism that Sharia destroys.
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